Tuesday 28 April 2020

5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Read Ramayana

Ramayana is a great Indian Epic book, which along with Mahabharata forms the Hindu history. Moreover, considered a Hindu religious text, this great story everyone should read including the people who are not from the Hindu religion. In the following paragraphs, we will be discussing the 5 reasons why everyone should read Ramayana.

1.     It is an entertaining story: In India, everyone knows that Ramayana is an entertaining story. But people outside India, think that Ramayana being a religious text might be boring. But the fact is that without even considering the religious significance the story in itself can be an entertaining novel to read.
2.     It gives you an essence of how life used to be in ancient India: Ramayana provides you a window to look at life in ancient India. Ramayana also gives you a glimpse of the values on which the Indian culture.
3.     Knowledge of the details of Ramayana is a sign of a learned person: Ramayana is a foundational text on Indian culture. Ramayana helps you in appreciating your culture and also makes you appear more learned.
4.     Teaches you ideal behavior: Ramayana teaches men how to be an ideal son, husband, father, brother, friend, and king and women on how to be an ideal daughter, sister, wife, mother, and queen.
5.     It helps you in facing the challenges in life calmly: Both lord ram and Sita Mata spend their 14 years in the forest. Lord Ram’s father died due to separation. The life of Lord Ram, Lord Laksham, and Sita Mata was tough but they manage everything very calmly.

Mahatma Gandhi used to say that the name of Ram gives him strength during the bad days of his life. If Mahatma Gandhi found inspiration in Ramayana, then we can also learn a lot from this great book.

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